Prevention and Education

Education Awareness Programs

Education awareness programs are one-time presentations designed to raise awareness about sexual violence and other related topics. The presentations also provide information about SAPCC services. Presentations can be adapted to meet the needs of the organization, business, school, or community group’s target audience. To learn more about the education awareness programs see the program descriptions below.

Fees for both primary prevention and education awareness programs vary and are offered on a sliding scale.

Primary Prevention Programs

Primary prevention programs are series designed to move beyond awareness and education by focusing on skill building, as well as changing attitudes beliefs, and behaviors in order to prevent sexual harassment, abuse, assault, and other forms of violence. Primary prevention programs are designed to prevent sexual violence before it occurs by focusing on conditions that reduce violence. Primary prevention programs are comprehensive, developmentally appropriate, and occur over a period of time as a series. To learn more about the primary prevention programs see the program descriptions below.

“The students enjoyed the [Boss of My Body] program a lot and they have been communicating a lot more about their boundaries with their peers! They also have been communicating with me and my assistant teacher more because you have reminded them that we are trusted adults and to come to us when something occurs”

— Olivia Krouse, Kindergarten Teacher

Mandated Reporter Training

The training meets both Act 31* and Act 126** requirements. The workshop defines forms of abuse, identifies the role of a mandator, and outlines the reporting process for the state of Pennsylvania. The live training provides opportunities for questions and guidance that pre-recorded Mandated Reporter trainings do not.

*Act 31 requires all employees licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of State to take a 2 to 3 hour training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse every 2 years.

**Act 126, the Pennsylvania Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training mandates that all school entities and independent contractors who have direct contact with children a minimum of 3 hours of training every five years on child abuse, recognition, and reporting.

Hotline Training

2024 Spring & Fall Training Dates:

Saturdays, March 22nd - April 12th, 9AM – 5PM 1905 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602

Mondays & Wednesday, October 6th – November 10th, 6 pm – 8:45 pm

Registration is required! For questions and registration, contact:

The training consists of 40 hours- 20 hours of online content are completed at your own pace and 20 hours of instruction are completed live. The course is offered at minimum twice a year (Spring and Fall).

The Sexual Assault Hotline is operated by trained staff and volunteers. Callers may utilize the hotline for several reasons, including, but not limited to: crisis intervention services, questions about resources and referrals related to sexual violence; inquiries about counseling; and requests to provide medical advocacy at local hospitals. The phone number for the Sexual Assault Hotline is (717) 392-7273.

The course meets Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect’s standards for Rape Crisis Centers. Participants who complete the training are eligible to volunteer or work at any center throughout the state. The course work includes material related: history and philosophy, local center information, values, anti-oppression, counseling issues, sexual assault issues, ethics, confidentiality, medical system, legal system, advocacy, and local resources for information and referrals.

This program is intended for individuals interested in volunteering on the 24/7 Rape Crisis Hotline or working at the Sexual Assault Prevention and Counseling Center or another Pennsylvania Rape Crisis Center. SAPCC volunteers answer the hotline remotely from home.

Temporarily providing services at 1905 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602