YWonderful Kids Receives Statewide Gold Level Equity Award

We're thrilled to announce that our YWonderful Kids program has been awarded a Gold level 2022 PA Equity in Early Childhood Education Champion Award from Pennsylvania's Promise for Children and The PD Registry! We're honored by this recognition, and will continue to work hard to provide affordable, equitable, and quality education opportunities to the next gerneration of leaders, thinkers, and do-ers in Lancaster County!
More than 50 submissions were received as part of the 2022 recognition of the work being done around equity in Pennsylvania’s early learning settings.

The award, provided from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), brings awareness to and highlight the equity work being done within Pennsylvania’s early childhood education and afterschool settings, and by child care, evidence-based home visiting and early intervention professionals, as it aligns with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Equity and Inclusion Toolkit, and with the position statement of the National Association for the Education for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement.

Congratulations to all the winners, including our sister YWCA YWCA Tri-County Area! Check out all the winners here: https://www.pakeys.org/equity/awards-2022

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